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To Trace Original Email Sender

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1To Trace Original Email Sender Empty To Trace Original Email Sender Fri May 30, 2008 6:13 pm



The purpose of this guide is to show the process involved in tracing an email. The first step required to tracing an email is finding out the headers of the email. What are headers? Email headers are lines added at the top of an email message that are used by servers as the email goes on route to get delivered. Generally email clients only show the standard To, From, and Subject headers, but there are more.

Enabling Email Headers For Gmail

Step 1:Once Logged into your Gmail Account open the Email whose headers you want to view. Click on the “More Options” link in the message next to the date of the email.

Step 2: Now click the “Show Original” link.

Step 3: This link will popup a new window the headers and the body of the message.

Enabling Email Headers For Hotmail

Step 1:Once logged in, click on the "Options" link in the upper navigation bar.

Step 2: Now click on the "Mail Display Settings" link.

Step 3: Change the "Message Headers" option to "Full" and click ok.

Step 4: Go to your inbox and open any one of your email. You emails show now contain additional headers.

Enabling Email Headers For Yahoo

Step 1:Once logged in, click on the "Options" link in the upper navigation bar.

Step 2: Now click on the "General Preferences" link.

Step 3: In the paragraph titled Messages and locate the "Headers" heading and select "All".

Step 4: Go to your inbox and open any one of your email. You emails show now contain additional headers.

2To Trace Original Email Sender Empty Re: To Trace Original Email Sender Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:46 am

Sajjad Shah


very nice keep it up

3To Trace Original Email Sender Empty Re: To Trace Original Email Sender Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:13 pm



Thanks bhai jan pasand karnay k liye

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